26 março 2012


Ohhhh... Want to know the big new? Aparentelly, I have new BFF's, because, acording to a friend, I don't speak with my old friends anymore, because of the "new ones".
My birthday is on Wednesday and I invited some of them to lunch, because a major part of "my old friends" can't be with me in my b-day, so, I want to party with the two separate groups and I didn't invite them, I said we can be together in the weekend... Yesterday, I was talking with a friend and she said "ohh, you used to be with us more often, now you're already passing your b-day with your true friends ("new friends"), they are better than us"
OK, seriouslly? I do have more friends than I used to have, I admit that right now I pass more time with my mates than I pass with "my old friends" but I don't like more a group than I like the other, they're all my friends and its my option to pass my birthday with everyone I like and I don't want to get some people uncofortable and I thought that was the best option, two separate parties, like I did in the last year, but perhaps someone is thinking I'm giving priority to someones, when I'm doing nothing...

2 comentários:

  1. Desculpa não ter ido.Acho que devias combinar outro dia que dê, e elas também irem,para nos conhecermos uns aos outros.Ah e é natural elas sentirem isso, só tens de lhes mostrar que também gostas muito delas.

  2. don't worry! ja está tudo resolvido... ainda bem que estas coisas acontecem para por tudo em pratos limpos


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